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L, Thailand

"I don’t know how to put into words to express my feeling of gratitude and being blessed to experience your healing ability.  I feel very comfortable opening myself up to you and surrendering whatever blocks no longer serve me.  I don’t feel that I have to hold something back or have fear of judgement.  You are a powerful and skilful healer.  It was such a beautiful, amazing session with moments of “awe”.  I felt totally expansive during the session and huge energy moving around beautifully.  You tackled strings of blocks and nailed them down in such a short period of time."

D, Mexico

"Somehow I couldn't move away from my current situation back then in 2012. I couldn't leave my city, my apartment... Many problems would arise in the moment I tried to leave. Once such problems were solved others would come forth... So it was an endless struggle... Until I had that session via Skype with Catherine that I won't ever forget... :) At first I couldn't understand very well the mechanics or how it worked but then I realized that it was not meant to be understood or not by me. It was a matter of my higher self not mine. That specific problem I had was solved completely afterwards." 

E, Ireland

"feel profoundly 'shifted'. the most beautiful deep deep peace in just 'being', in and through and way beyond my heart... thank you.  And a desperate pain in my heart is gone - a pain I both was and wasn't at the same time aware of. And in fact Catherine I now know or remember i've had that pain for a long time - yet I'd been ignoring/dismissing it. Once I realised this incredible peace keeps flooding my heart space, I immediately felt 'hey, that pain in my heart has gone!'  wow thank you. I am in awe of this work and feel inspired and nurtured by your healing, Catherine.."

H, Netherlands

"Thank you for your very loving and compassionate guidance, support and the powerful healings. Not only have you helped me to release lifelong pain, but also you have guided me to advance on my spiritual path and to experience the presence of Source like never before. You know so accurately what needs to be cleared and released that I am still amazed. It is helpful to know the areas that need to be released, but also I feel encouraged with my strengths. You are a wonderful healer and I can't thank you enough for the time you have given me. I would highly recommend your sessions and will be calling again in the future!"


"Since my first recent visit to Catherine, I have experienced powerful healing of mind and body which has enabled me to achieve my greatest wish in life. I would recommend her to anyone who has an open mind on the powerful effects of her work."

J, Canada

"A deep, sincere thank you from my heart and soul for your gentle healing work today.  I was amazed by how much shifted and released and how many longheld beliefs and fears were dealt with.  Your intuitive gifts are remarkable"

M, California

"I have been feeling so wonderful since our session yesterday morning.  You are an amazing healer and I am blessed knowing you!!!!  It feels like my being has been renewed and it feels good to be in my body.   So, once again thank you from my heart!"

L, Ireland

"Catherine is amazing!"

R, Netherlands

"The reason for my first call was that I had still lack of energy because of my burnout. Everybody was telling me that I was completely healthy and I did not feel that way. You explained what was happening and that it is possible to raise my energy level! And you were right.  The sessions were powerful and sometimes a real rollercoaster ride. What I really love is the profound level of change happening during the sessions. Not only do you remove blocks and old programming, you can also precisely describe the pattern and what I am doing so I can see for my self in my daily life when it is happening so I can change it. I see that with every session there is impact in my life and how I look and experience life.  What I notice that some issues are really gone. I have way more energy, are more into my core being and less influenced by external circumstances. Next to this, we worked on relationships and business issue and I experience the difference in everything. I am much more at ease with my entrepreneurship, at this moment having a wonderful relationship and more confident on trusting the process and life. Even letting go of stuff is getting much easier... "


“I wanted to especially thank you for such a beautiful healing we did together last week - you are AWESOME!"  Love, Love and More Love, D,"


"ever since a few minutes after our last session together, I have been feeling very much back to myself.  I've been wanting to share this with you as I'm so very grateful for your beautiful gift and for our work together.  I think of it daily and it has strengthened my belief and trust that this stuff REALLY does work!"

L, Netherlands

"Thank you for the amazing sessions we had together. Very quick you come to the essence of the blocks and already after releasing a few things together the feeling of openness, clarity starts to become stronger and more stronger as the session goes on and at the end there is such a nice relief and the ability to see the whole situation in a new perspective together with the strength to first accept what is and then to change what has to be changed. But for all you give me the ability just to be who I am. I can highly recommend you to others!"

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