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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions not answered here, please do get in touch!

How Many Sessions Do I need?

It depends on your issue and outcome you are desiring. I would normally recommend 6 sessions per issue.  It may take more time depending on the complexity and readiness of the person or it may take less time.  Each person is unique as is their path forward.

How Do We Connect?

I usually use Skype or another provider such as Zoom or Teams,  If you are anxious about using these, there is no need to worry as I will send my address for Skype or a link for Zoom or Teams and all you have to do is follow the instructions as they open or ask me in an email for extra instruction if needed.  From time to time, I may be able to meet in-person but my preferred form is online. Please note that there is no need to turn on your camera as we just need to be able to talk so no need to worry about travel, parking, or even getting out of your pyjamas or comfy clothes:)

What happens during a session?

Choose a quiet space where you won't be interrupted and a comfortable chair where you can sit up straight with feet on the floor. The session begins with a chat about what's been up for you recently and what you might like to work on and what outcomes you are working towards.  Before the call, I will have already connected with your Higher Consciousness or Soul for guidance and information to assist you.  As you talk impressions will come in live which I will relay to you. These may contain some guidance or clarification on issues.  I may also use coaching to help you get clear. Each session is different but usually follows the format of a chat/coaching and then we move on to a channelled energetic clearing for you, during which you may have a profound Spiritual Experience, depending on your level of sensitivity and readiness. At the very least you will likely experience a deep sense of inner calm and peace.  It will be a guided meditation which I will lead you through, starting with clearing our space and setting our intentions.  Then we bring in light, geometry and whatever information shows up for you.  Throughout and at the end of the session, I will relay any insights, guidance, suggested exercises or practices that have been revealed to me by your Soul Self as of benefit to your journey moving forward. 

How do I support myself afterwards?

Make sure you have some time to relax afterwards as you integrate new information.  If you feel light headed you could drink some water.  Some people like to go for a walk.  Others like to sit still for a time on their own.  There will likely be insights, suggested exercises or practices that have come through from the session that you could begin to put in practice for yourself to help you gain the most from the work and to move you forward in a more self-empowered way.

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